New Bedford, MA, 4326 Acushnet Avenue (1,544 SF on .39 Acres) - Restaurant & Real Estate For Sale

For Sale, 1,544 SF on .39 Acres established well established pizza restaurant in desirable, high traffic location for both takeout and small eat in area is ideal for any restaurant operator.  Real Estate, business and equipment included in the sale.  Equipment including but not limited to:  2 bain marie refridgerators, 3 door freezer, laydown freezer, mixer, fryolator, flat top grill, char boiler, pizza oven, slicer and more…Parking both on-site and off for customers fully ADA compliant with 2 bathrooms.  Downstairs finished with additional bathroom.  High traffic location in close proximity to Route 140 & the New Bedford Industrial Park in one directions and Physical Rehabilitation Hospital and Nursing Home in the other direction.  Owner is willing to help transition new Buyer as a consultant for a time frame to be determined.  Please understand showings will be limited to qualified buyers only with 24 hours notice and be respectful that the business is in operation and now approach any employees regarding a potential sale.  Offered at $499,900.

4326 Acushnet Avenue
New Bedford